It’s nice to finish the week off with a good result. This Friday I managed to do a quick turn-around wheel arch repair, which meant my customer got away for the weekend.

The job was all booked in to be done at his work location. However a last minute problem with getting access to a power point close enough to the car park meant we had to have a rethink. After a few phone calls we decided the only option was to take the car round to his friend’s house that lived locally.

Only now I was up against the clock a little to get the car finished. While his friend drove my customer back to work…I got cracking! Luckily the scuff damage wasn’t too deep & I soon had it sanded down. Out came the ‘wet dry paper’ to flat the area smooth ready for the primer coat. While that was drying I mixed up a pot of paint.

Once a couple of coats of the black topcoat followed by the clear lacquer been applied, it was time to get the heat lamps on it. This stage you can’t rush… 25-30mins to cure off the lacquer. Then allow a little time for it to cool down enough to polish. Dive in with the power polisher too soon & it can tear the paint…time to start all over again! Be patient & monitor the area with the infrared temperature gun & you have no problems…we were done!

It’s nice to do a job where a few minor problems get stirred into the mix, it keeps you on your toes!! My customer was really happy with the end result & got away on time for the weekend… another job jobbed!!

If you have a bumper scuff or wheel arch that needs repairing…..